Rabu, 19 Agustus 2015

D.I Yogyakarta 2015

I had quiet idea while i just.... write...write...write and i forgot i want to tell you about this. since the last couple of my posting had been through more more more and more drama's in it, i will tell you this sweetness of my 2015

so this trip has began at Hari Raya. i'd still feel sad because i don't shalat id with my mom and dad because the eve of Hari Raya i am in my Uncle house but i feel happy.

yes. sad and happy at the same time. but when Hari Raya comes, i  met up the entire of family, ofc i met dad and mom too for a couple minutes and me, my old cousin, my younger cousin, my sister and also my uncle headed to Jogja with my older cousin (yes because she had two babies)

we went for i don't know, we started 10 am and we arrived at (i dont know the place) in midnight. really. we just stay up for the night and tomorrow morning we started the holiday-tripping.

First Trip : Kalibiru, Kulon Progo

Went to Malioboro for a sec

 Second Trip : Ratu Boko

Third Trip : Prambanan Temple

So this i would never predict that i met this two guys in Jogja
and suddenly, "Kak, di malioboro mananya?"
"lo ke gedung bank BNI aja, gue deket situ"

then we clingy had wedang ronde/jahe together and talking about life

so that's it!!

i had a quiet midnight alone in my room and everyone sleeps but me and i write this posting while i listen to a song and chatting some friends then Eka comes up calling me for a minutes times.
so i guess i say, it's a not-so boring day. yay

i wish i could travel more, Aamiin!


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