plis, ingetin gue.
this is the last posting that i write
about him. plis plis. ingetin gue.
so, we started from....... n o w.
you know, i do know everything about him for
like, 2 or 3 years.
dan menurut gue, waktu itu enggak cukup
buat gue untuk menarik kesimpulan kalo dia itu udah sama yang lain.
ih jijik banget. geli gue sama kalimat
diatas. gue kek, ngemis cintanya dia. Astagfirullah.
honestly, gue bener-bener ngerasa, gue kehilangan dia banget. banget.
dan menurut gue, wajar ketika gue sadar
kalo gue kehilangan dia disaat gue udah sadar kalo dia itu no longer to me, be there for me,
or do anything yang bakalan dia lakuin buat gue. tapi dia lakuin itu semua, ke
cewe nya.
so what?
People come and go. friend leaves us. our
parents grow old. and
all we have to do is just keep growing up.
Just keep breathing.
Kenapa? Yang gue tau,
“ketika kita kehilangan seseorang, Tuhan
sudah menyiapkan seseorang yang baru, yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Dan ketika
kita kehilangan sesuatu, Tuhan pasti menggantikannya dengan yang lebih baik.”
Guess what?
Gue ngerasa sedih sekaligus bodoh.
Gue ngerasa seneng sekaligus gila.
Why I just kept
this (freak) feelings to him? Why I still into him? Why I still into him while
he justs into someone else?
Pertanyaan paling sadis yang pernah gue pertanyakan kepada diri gue
Sebegitu sayang-nya kah gue sama dia sampe-sampe gue gak sadar kalo there
is someone or somewhat yang be there for me even justs for a day or sit with me
and drink coffee in the rain? Eh, gue sadar. Gue belum nemu orang yang kaya
gitu. Gue belum nemu orang yang be there for me. Gue belum nemu orang yang gue
yakin banget kalo dia itu be there when I am at high and down. Then I started
to realized,
Kapan gue bakalan nemuin orang yang be
there when I am at high and down kalo gue masih kaya gini? I mean, masih
galauin dia?
This posting could be the important one. One of the most important. Hahah.
So, gue mencoba move on. Gue jauhin hal-hal yang masih berbau dengan
dia. And I realize,
Di hp gue, masih
ada foto nya dia. Foto jadulnya dia.
Di laptop gue,
di folder terpendam gue, masih ada fotonya dia. Foto jadulnya dia (juga).
Di hp blackberry
gue (sebelum di servis dan di clear data), masih ada fotonya dia.
Tenang. Gue maklumin kok kalo lo semua bakalan bertanya-tanya seperti ;
You really love this guy. Aren’t you?
Sebelum gue membalas pertanyaan itu, gue punya lirik lagu.
It’s time to
begin. Isn’t it?
I get a little
bit bigger but then I’ll admit
I’m just the
same as I was
Now don’t you
I’m never
changing who I am.
Dan ketika ada yang bertanya seperti itu, gue Cuma bisa tersenyum dan
ngejawab seadanya dan gue Cuma bisa jawab ;
“He’s been quite
an inspiration of my life for this 2 or 3 years.”
So I ask you something. Pacar pertama bukan selalu Cinta pertama. Dan
Cinta pertama enggak selalu Pacar pertama.
Am I right,
And I was thinking that,
He is my first
Penting gak sih kalo gue jujur kaya gitu? Hahaha. So gue jujur. Ya he
is it. You know, how hard I am trying for this 2 or 3 years enough to get over
him and I realize, I am never changing. Gue stabil. Gue gak berubah. Gue masih
gak bisa move on dari dia.
Mungkin gue gak mau banyak cerita kali ini karena mmm lo pasti pernah
ngerasain kaya gini dan mungkin aja lo pernah ngerasain rasanya susah move on
tuh kaya gimana.
Dan, the fool thing yang pernah gue lakuin ke diri gue sendiri disaat
gue (dengan beraninya) ngegreet dia di salah satu media social/Chatting
network. Gue gamau sebut. Nanti kegep, gue makin malu. You know what? I still
miss him. Miss the way we talked. The way we laugh (emangnya kita pernah ketemu
ya? aduh maaf ya) the way we advice each other. the way we friends. The way we
feel infinite. And missing is just a part of moving on. Dan semenjak gue
memberanikan diri untuk greet dia duluan setelah bbrp tahun gue mencoba
menghilang, gue sadar.
Ya. hatinya
bukan buat gue.
Then…………………from 2/3 years ago, I started to write. I write anything
(that I love, actually). You know, once you love something, you just feel like
that you….. addicted. Lo kaya kecanduan dengan hal tersebut. Then so do I, gue
kecanduan menulis. You know what? I prefer write this thing to my essay from my
language teacher (oh I am so sorry, teacher). I write all day long (dulu). Dan,
Gue sadar.
Semua tulisan (read : cerpen a k a cerita pendek) yang gue buat.
Semua tulisan yang gue sebar.
Semua tulisan yang ada di blog ini.
Semua tulisan yang gue pendem.
Semua tulisan yang gue buat capek-capek dan akhirnya gue hapus filenya.
Ada sisi
dirinya. Dan gue sama sekali enggak sadar. Gue enggak sadar kalo gue
menghidupkan tokoh with his personality. Gue enggak sadar kalo dialog yang gue
buat, ternyata salah satu nya termasuk dialog gue sama dia. Gue enggak sadar.
Gue juga sadar. Disaat gue no longer need him like ago.
Alhamdulillah nya sih gitu.
Dan setelah gue memberanikan diri melakukan hal itu semua. Gue pernah
coba berhenti nulis. Then, I can’t. and my friend said :
“He justs like, your star. He justs like,
your inspiration. And he is no longer need that title from you. And you should
find another.”
gue pun suka denger lagu. (everybody do that, actually) terus hal yang pertama kali gue titik beratkan ketika gue denger lagu, adalah
The lyric and meaning.
so, i have one of the lyric song that i ever loved. so terdengarnya, seperti ini ;;
You build me up, make me what i never was.
You build me up, from nothing into something.
You build me up, from nothing into something.
you know. gue emang udah suka nulis dan baca cerita cerita before i met him but i realized, setelah bertemu dengannya, setelah mmmmm had an experiences with dia, i realized, that he builed me up from nothing into something. something that made me (more) love myself. something that made me smile everyday (not really, i fake a smile). something that really made my day. something that i could not ever how to tell you. something that really sweets. something important. something real. something in never land (?).
My friend was right.
And it took a while to find another could better than him, toh?
Yeah, it took a while.
So. I want to tell you this one. For the last.
Thank you for
being my good friend.
I know you do.
Even we don’t
close like ago,
You still my
friend. And I hope someday
Hope that we
could be a close friend like past
Without any
different vibe or different feelings that
We did for
another years ago.
I know we did
the wrong thing and we just feel so lost.
I am lost for
this 2 or 3 years. And you do not know that.
I feel so lost. I
can’t find my star again.
I feel so lost. I
lost my best friend.
So, I lost you.
Thank you for
being my good boyfriend even justs one day.
I know you do.
Even we don’t
close like ago.
I still
remember, ALL OF YOUR WORDS that you have said to me.
The way we laughed,
I love.
The way we talked
all night long, I love.
The way we
advice each other, I love.
The way we argue,
I love.
The way we feel
so sorry to each other, I love.
The way we feel
infinite, I love.
The way we feel
being in love each other, I am so in love.
Thank you for
being such a good human.
I am very
thankful, God. For making me met him.
I am very
So this one,maybe
will forever,
I hate our
everything we did in past.
So. Thank you.
-Mutia Novianti-
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