Sabtu, 06 Juni 2020

BOOK | "The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down" by Haemin Sunim

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If I recall how many books that I have been read all of my life, I feel like I need some getaway book to cleanse my mind a bit, and it's been a while I have not read anything. Other than education book and module, I mostly read Fiction Novel until I realized I don't think I ever read a mental health book until such as "The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down" By Haemin Sunim. I saw many quotes from this book online, and I feel like I had to read it. The book I had is the translations from Korean. For instance, The book is about mindfulness, spiritual advice, and truthfully the book really opening window to all the things you can see only when you slow down.

The book divides into 1 prologue, 8 chapters, and 1 epilogue. Each chapter represents every aspect of life, from friends to relationships. Every chapter starts with an open essay like a real-life story Haemin Sunim told us then turns out to be another life lesson followed by a series of short messages with similar meaning.

The book also shows us some feelings that we feel, but we actually don't realize. It really makes you think of having a journey to yourself. The book makes us realize that we are living in a fast world that we don't actually have time to rest. The world we may see today might be the world that seems to run fast forwards to the future, but that doesn't mean we have to. To befriending your emotions, realizing that negative emotion is not a fixed reality, to observe our feelings instead of confronting them. The book realizes that sometimes getting the job done well is more important than one's perception of doing a good job.

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All of the chapters really got me mesmerized and made me wonder a lot while reading some short messages. I do realize that I don't really like to talking or catching up to my close friends all day even though I do get along with them for years because I understand that it's a consideration feeling that everyone needs to build and have some personal space and time. But when the times to catching up with them, we have to make sure that the time is precious and promising ourselves not taking it for granted.

Haemin Sunim also shares about love. Somehow we also like to seek something in someone we love. Something that we expect that the significant other would do to us like, loving ourselves back and stuff. He shares that sometimes when love finds you, everything else becomes unimportant. Our thoughts will circle around every day. It really amazed me that I found myself not exactly what it's like to experience the feeling of being in love, the sweetness of love, or the bitterness of a heartbreak. Even though we don't exactly know when love comes, but somehow he told me about the promise of love found me, I, too, would pour all of myself into it, without any calculation or fear, even if deep pain lurked behind it. Because receiving love is like you have a whole full package, it always with the sweetness and the bitterness.

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At first, he said try to not read this book like a novel. Well, it's true. Because the first time I wanted to read it like a novel, I don't think I grasp all of the messages he shared. It became a book full of quotes at that time. But this book is really a journey to yourself trying to see some aspects of life, you don't wanna force yourself to know yourself instantly, right? Try to read this book like pick a number of a page then read it, and it will make you wondering all day. Read like this might really useful for me. It might really not practical to you, so somehow he said try to read with the flow you like, you could read this book while you're down, or even when you're in the happiest state whatsoever.

I think Haemin Sunim has his way of delivering words so beautifully. I found the book very amusing and somehow another fuel to a better self. He shared essays with some real-life lessons, making me realize that I am not the one who has a hard time in this world. I don't have to run fast to reach my dream. I will manage my thoughts as I am trying to maintain my relationship with my family and friends. I will enjoy my job in the future. And yes, I will probably be purchasing his other book soon.

5 reasons why making your own stuff sparks more joy

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Disclaimer: do it if you have the luxury to do so, but if you’re having a limited budget, do it efficiently.
If you ever feel like, oh my life has been so digital because I don’t know what else to do? Or if you ever like bored of the new routine you’ve been doing for so long, this might help you to do it in spare time if you have the luxury to do so.
Being an introverted person doesn’t make me not wander around in social media. I am aware myself that some day I just lay in my bed being unproductive while surfing myself watching youtube videos, or even watching dramas/tv shows, scrolling around instagram feeds even to read some thread I ridiculously find on twitter. Also, I am fully aware that I need to break that habit, because it is not very sound healthy in a way. “You just need to do it, mutihhh” I said myself. And everyone knew that one step at a time tips are really really productive, if you do it fun, and not being forced by yourself.
Amongst all the things that I want to do, and the things that I don’t think I could do, is crocheting. Well actually I once attended a workshop about how to customize your tote bag with polaroid pictures and with accessories like pompow/something that really makes your tote bag so cute and sparks joy. The techniques I learned in that workshop was how to use some latch hook with some nets. Then we did some stuff and stitched at the end. Then suddenly I feel like I need to learn some crochet stuff beside the thing I learned at the workshop. So, I did some crochet stuff and I am putting 5 reasons why making your own stuff sparks more joy.

You have 100% control of what you’re making
Colors, Styles, Pattern, Fabric, you name it! Sometimes when we’re buying clothes or shoes there is something that makes you contemplate like, what if it’s not fit? I like the style, but I don’t like the fabric and so many thoughts wander around. So, why bother having those thoughts while you can choose all of those things by yourself? Be your own designer!

Another way to have your own heal and kill time
I do really feel that when I am learning crochet to make my own bucket head. I know it might not look good to everyone but the process of making and learning crocheting is really different, for me. Just like, you are studying but making something at the same time. And when you’re so absorbed by doing it, suddenly time flies really fast. I don’t track how I finished my bucket hat (probably around 2 days prior), but it is really healing time because doing something different is making you more curious about that and it's killing time in a way that you’re gonna notice you could be productive by doing something like this.

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Sense of Belongings
It is 100% true, at least I relate those words. When you’re doing something to and for yourself, there’s some proud feelings after what you’ve been through. It’s like you’re one step away from another fun-obstacle. You’re letting yourself be challenged, by making something on your own, for your own. And the reward is the proud feeling you get when you’re using it, or even bragging to your friends like, “girl, I made this.”

Get to know yourself more
I am aware that there are a lot of ways to get to know yourself more. But I find by making something on your own are one of those ways. Objectively said, when you’re doing it you’ll find what you like, what kind of color palette you’d like, what kind of style and pattern you’d like to experiment, what kind of fabric that is really good to wear and not breaking out your skin. Let yourself have those fun thoughts and surf on your own. It is perfectly the time that you’d let yourself to do something different from what you’ve been like. I find it hard to wear any cute little bag because it doesn’t fit enough also I don’t think I  fit into the light blue color. But here I am presenting you about my blue-cute-little-bag with four bright flowers in it. And I am happy.

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Why buy, when you can make it yourself?
I know, it’s a little bit ambitious to say like that and I am very conscious when thinking about it. Because of what? Making something by yourself means that you’re willing to spend a little bit more money to do it. It might be a little bit pricey at first, but if you look at the other angle of this is for you as if it’s a reward for you to try something different - kinda thing. And I must say, making something for yourself is a good thing to do and fun. However sometimes there’s this angle of finance----luxury--- area that can’t be forgotten, in a way. I want you to experiment something for your own but remember it doesn’t have to be that pricey fabric, that expensive color pattern or some, even if you don’t have to buy some expensive tools! Every tool is the same, it’s just a different brand, the quality might be the same, but it’s not what you’re going after, right? I know having cute tools helps you be more productive but it’s not if you’re having a limited budget for everything (yeah, this is just some kind of college stuff I learned that I actually adapted into my lifestyle).

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I hope you would find something to make on your own. And let me know if you're making one! because i am planning to make another one, too!

Rabu, 18 Juli 2018


Why I Don't Write For A Year | mutihhh

Everyone says, “There has to be more of life” which it includes the whole deep meaning of it. Well, yes.
1 tahun belakangan ini
Someone has no thing to write about. She is in her slump phase. Even her education got a slightly impact.
So here, I want to explain why I don’t write for a year.
Selama 1 tahun enggak nulis apa-apa, rasanya gaenak.
Gaenak karena, dari kecil (dari smp) the first internet platform that I knew back then was “Blogger”. Dan jujur, beberapa temen kuliah gue pun dulu pas smp nya, pada punya blog masing-masing, “tapi udah gak nulis lagi mut.” Kata mereka.
Banyak yang menjadi alasan kenapa gue enggak nulis, esp selama 1 tahun. Dan banyak juga alasan-alasan yang menurut gue, gue mengakui kalau itu Cuma alasan sebagai pembenaran diri atas kenapa gue enggak nulis. Kaya, “gue lagi gak jalan-jalan” dan seperti hal-hal pembenaran diri demi menjauhi sesuatu.
Sebelum punya wordpress, gue punya blog (seperti temen-temen kuliah gue dulu). Yang tulisannya, ya seperti tulisan di era nya. And sometimes I feel proud of my past self while I was reading my own writing. “she was fearless back then. To write something like this”.
FYI, I am a college student. Industrial ones. So, orang-orang berekspektasi orang yang kuliah di jurusan gue itu, tugasnya banyak, mata kuliah nya campur-campur dan sebagainya. Which is r i g h t. Tetapi gue gak mau menjadikan studi gue sebagai alasan kenapa gue gak nulis, kenapa gue gak bisa nulis.
Mungkin ini menjadi alasan (yang semoga aja tidak terdengar seperti pembenaran diri) kenapa gue enggak nulis – I mean enggak mempublish tulisan gue ke media.
I had a slump for a year. Masuk ke umur 20. Like, gue mempertanyakan apa pun. Kenapa gue lahir, kenapa gue jadi manusia yang beragama, kenapa gue pake kerudung as a muslim woman, kenapa gue mau masuk teknik, kenapa gue dulu pernah pacaran, kenapa gue susah buat cerita ke temen-temen real life gue, kenapa gue fangirling, dan berbagai macam pertanyaan yang dimulai dengan kata, “Kenapa”.
Setelah gue bertanya-tanya, gue pun sadar. Gue termasuk orang yang logis. Enggak pernah mendengar kata hati. Well, I listened to her, but I don’t take it as an advice. To me, my brain’s voice are really my bestfriend until now. She knew me too well. Namun, tiba-tiba gue merasa dia menjadi seperti my heart’s voice. I don’t know why. Dan tiba-tiba gue sadar gue jadi orang yang sensitive. I feel like I wanna cry but I can’t. the tears wont come out. I hate it. Dan gue benci banget sama temen-temen gue yang mmm… gampang banget nangis, waktu itu. “kenapa mereka gampang nangis, kok gue enggak?” I tried a couple movies to watch they have recommended to me. I wasn’t cry. Dan itu bikin gue makin kesel sama diri gue sendiri.
Dan akhirnya, gue stress. Karena gue enggak bisa menjawab sebagian dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang gue tanya kepada diri gue sendiri. I feel like I am a failed person. Especially, I feel like I am a failed Asian, to my knowledge. Gue gak bisa apa-apa. Hidup gue stagnan. Gue bobrok banget. Gue gak ngerti apa-apa. Setiap kali gue suka sesuatu dan mau melakukan itu, ada dalam diri gue yang bilang, “lo tuh gak bakal sukses kalo lo lakuin ini” dan berbagai macam respon negative yang bener-bener bikin gue self-anxious dan it really kills me.
Selama 1 tahun ini juga, gue merasa gue kurang baca. Baca apa aja. Novel, modul kuliah, whatsoever. Dan setiap kali gue membaca tulisan orang (terutama orang-orang yang masih menulis dan punya blog) they made me pity myself. Mereka membuat gue malu sama diri sendiri, kenapa gue kemakan omongan dan pikiran negatif gue sendiri. Bukan hanya itu aja, tulisan mereka somehow seperti ngebuat gue buat nulis lagi, tapi I really had no intention to write. Dan sampe-sampe gue kepikiran sama 1 quote movie,
“What makes you a painter if you don’t paint?”
-The Art Of Getting By (2011)
“What makes you a writer if you don’t write?”
Well, practically, I had my own diary, journal, whatever you called it. I write there for a year. Not daily, but when I really hate myself. Esp ketika pikiran itu datang. So maybe I kinda publish beberapa di sini, still I don’t know when. But you may look forward to it.
dan yang lucu nya, gue selalu nonton film itu disaat gue lagi down. karena setiap kali gue nonton film itu, gue nemu sesuatu, gue belajar sesuatu, dan lucunya, sangat berdampak banget buat diri gue sekarang. dulu gue nonton itu pas di tahun release nya, 2011. dan gue cuma nangkep film itu ngajarin kita buat semangat, kerja keras to achieve something. dan jujur, setiap kali abis nonton film itu, gue dapet “semangat” nya. gue selalu seneng gitu. film ini tuh deep banget menurut gue. dan gue gak akan mau ngebayangin diri gue bakalan kaya gimana kalo dulu pas 2011 gue enggak nonton film ini.
Let’s say, I am being self-anxious for almost a year. To be real, I kinda have a slight depression. For almost 2-3 months. To me, they are really a cancer. My health is not good too back then and I’m still recovering until now. They are really a bastard. Mereka berdua ngejadiin diri gue yang  kesel sama diri gue sendiri. Dan yang paling parah nya lagi, I almost did not know who I am. Gue gak tau siapa diri gue sendiri. I know, they are really “jahat”. Dan yang membuat gue merasa gue jahat (juga) sama diri gue sendiri. Gue mendem. Well, I mean I am not someone who opens up easily. But for this time, gue merasa gue jahat banget sama diri gue sendiri kalo gue mendem hal yang kaya gini. So, I reached out a friend. An understandable ones. After that, I knew that I am going well. Let’s say, a self-love is about to come.
And after I’m recovered about my self-anxious and depression. Suddenly I miss my old self. I know it’s weird but since my past self especially my early teenage years, I love to write, I miss my self to write. Write something. Anything. Fiction especially. And I am happy I am aware of myself knowing that. And I hope I write a lot more than my teenage years era and my kinda mature enough writing is going more good since I’m going better myself.
To you who read this (lmao), I hope you’ll understand.
Here’s to many mutia’s writing in the future!

CHANGE??? I Kinda LIKE IT???? | mutihhh

So It's been a long time (it's almost two years) i have not been writing anything (a.ka have not been posting it on media) so here i am again.
I am aware that i somehow did a lot of change, whether myself or any of my postings on social media.
  • I somehow "lock" several old posts of mine during it's so old and embarassing.
  • I change my blog theme after years. YAY
  • I have my own wordpress too now. it's go for it!
  • around 2017, I Traveled once with my family, we went to Bromo. the picture i post above it's around Bromo!
  • I hope i write more after this!

Kamis, 19 Januari 2017



So last December I have been travel. with motorbike. (wow, not cool)

BUT the challenge is, in here we call it by, "TOURING" which is travel together with motorbike or cars, or whatever. and the destination somehow more like, nature or something.

so, here I tell you. 
I have been going to Geopark, Ciletuh, Sukabumi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. In Which (it supposed to be a beatufiul destination) really cool place to think and to relax, but unfortunately in time we (me and the others) arrived in a no-good-timing because it was rain and yeah.

Before i tell you about the destination, i'd like to tell you more about how we ride.

It supposed to start at 8:00 pm. but we accidentally on ride at 10:30 pm. another technical difficulties. yaa, namanya juga mahasiswa
karena destinasi kali ini ke daerah Sukabumi, berarti lewat bogor dong, ya. 

iya. Jalan Raya Bogor seems like the endless road kaya tol cipali, i guess? 

jadi, dari kampus (Universitas Pancasila) sampai Ciletuh, butuh waktu sekitar kurang lebih 9 jam. karena sampai sana sekitar jam 08:30am.

dan yang lebih serunya lagi, selama diperjalanan.

biasa aja sih. karena malem jadi gaterlalu banyak nengok kanan kiiri (ofc gue yang diboceng lah :3

CUMA ADA CERITA SEREM DIBALIK TOURING KEMAREN. I AM ALMOST PARNO. (nggakdeng, kata darmen itu gue udah parno).

jadi sekitar jam 2 pagi, dijalan, udah masuk ke daerah yang agak hutan gitu deh, WHICH IS THERE IS NO LIGHT. G E L A P B A N G E T. lampu itu juga dari motor doang. udah gitu jalan nya kaya di puncak gitu belok belokannya. nyebelin banget, awalnya tuh biasa aja because i thought there's someone behind. PAS GUE NENGOK KE BELAKANG??????????

which means gada orang.

sendirian. (maksudnya 1 motor doang)

udah tinggal baca-baca aja dah tuh takut begal juga kaaan. Alhamdulillah nggak ada! (ya siapa tau gitu ya kaan, who knows)

dan untungnya ga beberapa lama langsung ketemurombongan lagi. jeng jeng. akhirnya pagi. akhirnya terang.

so, here's the pictures.

dan sebelum nyampe di tempat tujuan,
seperti biasa,
another belok belok puncak.

another padi-scenery. so relaxing!

dan ini yang paling gue suka :
menatap pohon pohon tinggi.
lalu langit sangat (amat) biru, waktu itu.
kalo kata inu, "renovasi otak"

dan ini another foto saat di pantai.

btw, pantai nya lumayan. cuma apa karena kurang diurus kali ya. sedihnya.

by the way, untuk 3 foto diatas.
we all can see kalo
this country memang bener-bener harus di renovasi
gede-gede an.
here's the hope to our petinggi.
semoga berkah kerjanya ya, Bapak, Ibu Semuanya.

15 :3

yaa, untuk 3 foto terakhir itu briefing mau pulang dan foto foto sejenak. cihuy bgt.

 dan pulangnya butuh waktu yang lebih lama lagi sekitaran 12 jam-an. karena pulang banyak banget technical diffficulties nya. bukannya gak mau ceritain. karena ini beneran yang ga perlu diceritain.

selamat menikmati, selamat membaca,
terimakasih, kamu.

Mutia Novianti

Sabtu, 07 Januari 2017


ZERO WASTE ??? | A big step goal in life

i find myself interesting about this kind of lifestyle.

But first of all, I have been join environmental course in my college and somehow it makes me aware of this world. Even though I have an assignment about environmental innovation, but this post really blows my mind so much.

i mean, like... HOW IS SOMEONE CAN PRODUCE NO TRASH? i mean, i have been really producing trash a lot!

when i was gabut (Read: nothing to do) i open my youtube and found a woman named, Lauren Singer and SHE IS LIVING A ZERO WASTE LIFESTYLE IN NEW YORK FOR ALMOST FOUR YEAARS

can you even imagine, New York? 

Jakarta, sekarang aja udah bisa ngehasili almost 7000 ton sampah. New York malah 33 juta ton sampah.

Egilak, banyak.

ok let me introduce first what zerowaste is mean

ZERO WASTE is a philosophy that encourages the redesign of resources life cycles so that all products are reused. No trash is sent to landfills or incinerators. The process recommended is one similar to the way that resources are reused in nature.

so basically, Zero Waste itu gimana caranya manusia enggak buang sampah terus-terusan. and we usually wear a lot of equipments that long-lasting a.ka barang tahan banting a.ka barang yang serba awet.

bukan awet aja cuy. inti dari zero waste itu bukan "tidak memproduksi limbah" aja. tapi enggak make barang-barang yang serba plastik karena tidak re-use-able.

so literally, orang-orang yang menerapkan lifestyle zerowaste, mereka biasanya lebih sering punya barang yang stainless steel atau barang yang dari kayu atau bahkan bambu.

and i may have found out keuntungan-keuntungan orang yang menerapkan lifestyle ini.


YES, They saved money, a lot!.
Biasanya orang-orang yang hidup dengan lifestyle ini termasuk orang-orang yang gasuka foya-foya. Bukan tentang foya-foya uang aja, mereka memiliki pandangan yang kadang agak ibu-ibu, kaya gini

“Kalo belom rusak, belom diganti.”
“masih bagus kok baju nya.”
“ah, belum penting banget untuk dibeli sekarang”

Can you believe it??? Dan yang unik dari orang-orang zerowaste itu, mereka belanja baju secondhand which means mereka beli baju bekas (ofc, yang baju layak pakai), they usually belanja di secondhand store atau di thrift shop. Why? Karena baju secondhand itu harganya lebih murah (jauh lebih murah) dibandingkan baju yang ada di store biasanya. Dan menurut gue, mereka bakalan kumpulin baju mereka yang gak kepake untuk dijual lagi di market kecil-kecilan. Kalo disini yaaa kaya model-model baju cuci gudang gitu.

Eits. Mereka bukan pelit atau apa. They think that the secondhand clothes still have its value.

Karena semua hal apapun di dunia, berharga. Even if it’s broken into pieces.

2.      KREATIF

YAAAS. They creative as fuck.

The way they buy clothes.
The way they run errands.
The way they cook.
The way they do.

Yang unik dari mereka itu sebenernya disini yang ngebuat gue tertarik.
They make toothpaste
They make skincare
Literally, mereka ngebuat apapun yang bisa dibuat, yang seharusnya enggak dibeli, mereka buat sendiri.

Can you even imagine?

Ngebuat pasta gigi, cara mereka belanja yang apa2 bawa packaging sendiri. Ngebuat sampo sendiri, EVEN lauren singer pernah ngebuat deodorant sendiri.

Eits, ini namanya bukan “ih males banget ngeluarin duit”
They know mana yang harus dibeli, mana yang harus gak dibeli tapi bisa dibuat dirumah. And there is a value in it!
Contoh: lu bisa buat pasta gigi sendiri. Awalnya lu buat rasanya yang agak herbal. Tapi lu bosen then lu ngebuat pasta gigi rasa berry.

Nah. Disitu pemikiran orang zerowaste. Kalo lu beli pasta gigi, pasti kadang gak sesuai sama keinginan BUT sometimes you have to buy it. Right????
BUT HEEEY this is where you are being pushed to be more creative!

3.       HIDUP SEHAT

Beberapa orang yang zerowaste tiba-tiba pada jadi vegetarian yang menurut gue,

Enggak gitu juga kali. Emangnya lu gak doyan daging?

But at least, mereka hidupnya agak sehat karena makanan mereka biasanya lebih banyak sayurannya dibandingkan makanan yang agak enggak menyehatkan. I am so envy L

But, here I am. Amaze by the zerowaste lilfestyle.
Tapi, zerowaste ini gak bisa 100%, even my teacher said so. (yes I’ve been join environmental course). Karena mereka cuma enggak  produce limbah padat saja. Mereka masih menghasilkan limbah cair. And maybe they are not worries that too much????

according to a big step in life.
zerowaste butuh diterapin apalagi di jakarta. berhubung sampah dijakarta belum sebanyak di New York. but she made it gitu. dan kabar gembiranya itu, sekarang (udah lama sih) pemerintah udah ngebuatin(apaansi bahasanya) tempat sampah dengan ciri-cirinya. cuma kabar buruknya, kadang masyarakat masih bingung buat nentuin itu sampah organik atau non-organik. i mean LOOK AT YOUR SAMPAH, BISA DIPAKE LAGI APA ENGGAK GITU *kesel*

kenapa zerowaste belum bisa diterapin di Indonesia, apalagi di jakarta?

KARENA MASYARAKAT KITA MASIH MANJA SAMA PLASTIK. udah itu aja. karena gue pun sendiri merasakan.
belanja 2 item aja pake plastik kecil like, you can manage it to hold it in your hand. gausah pake nenteng2 plastik. ujung2 nya dibuang. 

KARENA DI INDONESIA ENGGAK ADA SUPERMARKET YANG MENERAPKAN ZEROWASTE. sudah cukup sampai sini. gabisa ngomong apa-apa lagi. karena setiap perusahaan punya alasannya masing-masing (apaansih)

btw, ini si lauren singer


best regards,

Minggu, 01 Januari 2017